
All things for preparing for, setting up and running a build. Our main focus is to support each chapter in making their build process flow well, be safe and compliant, be scalable, and build a ton of beds!

Chapter President Handbook with all the information for new and old chapters. UPDATED OFTEN.

All the details on building beds in this amazing build manual.

Latest version of the NCR Tool List with Lowe’s model and item numbers, quantities needed for different type of builds.

Bulk order boards for bed building at a discounted rate in packaged bed quantities.

This is the bunk calculator on the google drive. To use it please download to your device.

Manage all your Bed Requests in the SHP Chapter Portal (SalesForce, formerly CX). Click the Login button at the top of the page.

Build Day Layout posters. The original, an 18″x24″ version for easy printing, and an 18″x24″ 2up version for printing.

Build Day Cut Sheet poster 18″x24″. Print out and laminate and for cutting station. Use a dry-erase marker to keep track of the quantities you need to cut.

Quick calculator with individual breakdowns of the bed costs. 

This volunteer parking sign can be printed at your local print store.

Use this poster when people need to have access to the indemnification form.

Build Day & Delivery Volunteer Release and Waiver of Liability Form as a PDF Document to download and print.

This step-by-step instructional video helps you assemble a typical SHP bunk bed.

Build Station Videos