SHP Lumber Drive

We’re super excited for our new fundraising program that will be such a great opportunity for SHP and more importantly, each one of your chapters. Not only will it save your chapter thousands of dollars, but it will help you build more beds for more kids in your town! 

We created a Lumber Drive Pitch Packet to take into your store and share with your Lowe’s Manager. You can order the packet for free and have it shipped to you or you can download the packet and print locally. This packet will help explain to your Lowe’s manager what the Lumber Drive is and how it will work, in easy, visual steps and examples. Once you’ve received approval, you can order your Lumber Drive Kit from the store.

Watch the video below for all the details about the Lumber Drive and how the program works. It’s full of great details to help you launch your Lumber Drive in your town!

Download the Lumber Drive Presentation: [ PDF ] [ PPT ]

Before you click that button below…

We are excited to also announce we are launching a new SHP Staff Store today, kicking off with the Lumber Drive launch.

Once you click the order button below, you’ll be taken to the new store and the Lumber Drive Pitch Packet directly. This will ship a printed packet to your doorstep.

You can also download the Pitch Packet on the SHP Staff Store or below and print it locally.

You’ll login to the store with your SHP email by clicking the Google Login button at the top. Click on the image to enlarge if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I record this In-Kind Donation in DonorPerfect?

You’ll need to record your donated lumber in donor perfect. Please follow the same instructions for all other in kind donations with these specifications.  Use donor #705 “Lowe’s Home Improvement”. Please remember to put $0 in the Gift amount and use $100 per bed when calculating the In Kind Donation Value/Fair Market Value. The gift narrative is where you’ll specify how many beds worth of lumber you received, for example “10 beds worth of lumber”. Last bit of instructions is to use the campaign dropdown to select “Lowe’s Lumber Drive”

What if there are multiple Lowe's stores per one chapter?

You can reuse your lumber drive package and move it around to different Lowe’s stores throughout the year, or buy multiple packages and hold multiple Lumber Drive’s at the same time.

What if there are multiple chapters that have the same Lowe's store?

You can go in together on a Lumber Drive, or could hold separate drives throughout the year.

Will there be social media help with this event?

Yes, the Lumber Drive social media kit is be available on this page with premade posts available to use and more coming.

Can I download the Pitch Packet and print myself?

Yes, we only ask that you print the pitch packet in color on good paper if you can. We want the Lumber Drive to have the best first impression with your Lowe’s store. You can download it on the Staff Store or with button above.

Can I order the Lumber Drive Pitch Packet?

Yes, we’ve made the Lumber Drive Pitch Packet free for chapters to order and just cover the shipping to your doorstep. This way if you don’t have the means to print it locally, you have options.

Social Media Kit

You can download the social media images below and copy and paste the following content to help promote your Lumber Drive in your community. More content will appear here soon.

Post 1

Post 2