Hey there fellow bunkheads, you guessed it, it is that time of the year where we start to prepare to close out the books on 2022 and get ready for what will surely be an amazing 2023! What that also means is that it is time for each chapter to prepare and submit their End of Year (EOY) equipment, beds & bedding inventory for 2022.

This year we will be following the same process as last. NO photos are required of your beds, mattresses, and bedding, (unless you are one of the 20 chapters who have volunteered to be part of the sample group) just the total numbers for each category.

Yes, even though the Bed, mattress and bedding inventory has gone live in your Salesforce Chapter Portal, and you should be inputting your inventory there, we won’t be completing the transition to that system until everyone has been trained. If, you have completed your inventory in preparation for the Salesforce transition, this will be the easiest bedding inventory you’ve ever done.

The process for tools and equipment will also follow the same process as last year. Yes, we are going to implement a very advanced and more complete equipment inventory system. However, the transition to that will not be complete until the latter part of 1Q2023.

To complete your inventory, you must download and save the worksheet to your computer or your My Drive to fill it out. If you need a refresher, you can view this How to page: https://shpbeds.org/how-to-access-a-view-only-file-on-google-drive/

Please rename the file using the naming convention described below.

You can upload your completed inventory (and photos if you are one of the chapters who have volunteered to do so), by following the instructions below. Please DO NOT change the format of the document to upload it.

Each chapter must have a complete inventory uploaded to the Google drive (link to the folder location is provided below) NLT Saturday, January 7th, 2023. 

Details are provided in the video and summary below. If, after viewing the video and reviewing the summary you have any questions, please contact your RSL/CSL, Bruce Crenshaw or JP Wilson.

In Summary:

  • Inventory must be completed by each chapter and uploaded no later than 1/7/2023.
  • Please use to following file naming convention:
    • Inventory Spreadsheet: ST-CHAPTER NAME 2022 EOY Inventory
    • Bedding Photo Files (if applicable): ST-CHAPTER NAME Photo_01 (Incrementing the last digits for each photo)
  • Equipment Photos ARE NOT required.
  • Don’t forget to complete the Model/Serial Number details on the 2nd tab of the inventory spreadsheet.
  • Above all else – be kind and considerate – ask for help if you need it.

You can use the link below to download and save the updated 2022 Inventory Form to your computer or your My Drive. (Please don’t forget to fill out the 2nd tab!)


Please use this link below and upload your completed inventory to the Google Drive no later than 1/7/2023. 
