SHP Core Team Resources
Celebrations & Communications
We all know our CORE TEAM and Core Volunteers are the lifeblood of a robust and vibrant Chapter. Without their dedication and passion we could not serve the kids in the community that need a bed. For that reason, below are a list of various ideas Chapters have successfully utilized the CELEBRATE their team. Additionally, at its core a great COMMUNICATION channel has to be established so everyone stays in the know.
Again, consider these a brainstorm of ideas, run with an idea or take pieces for one or many and make something totally new … just go and celebrate your team and keep them coming back.
RED Shirts
- Develop criteria for Core Volunteers/Core Team members to attend enough builds or deliveries
Cost: Varies depending on quantities
Link: Dashboard>Design & Marketing>Staff Red Shirts
Honor Wall
Social Media Posts
Recruit and build your Core Team with these promotional social media graphics and pre-written captions.
Cost: FREE
Link: Dashboard>Core Team Development Social Media Kit
Recognize your Core Team members on social media. What’s their favorite build day job … why did they get involved …share a delivery story that touched them … anything else to show your appreciation.
Perfect to do in the “off times” when the Chapter isn’t doing as many deliveries or builds to keep people’s eyes on your Chapter Facebook page.
Cost: FREE
Links: Dashboard>Social Media Kit
Custom Nametags
Cost: Minimal
Volunteer Banners
Cost: YES
Link: Volunteer Banner
Core Team Outing
Chapter funds can be used for this activity … but only if enough funds are in the account where you don’t substitute a gathering for getting more kids off the floor.
Cost: Varies (possibly FREE)
Name Badge Achievement System
Using this system you either have to collect the nametags at the end of Build Day or allow them to take them home and bring them back next time.
Cost: Varies ~ $250 for 8 different rolls of 500 labels.
Links: Basic How To…
Nametag Holders – Amazon
Nametag Inserts – Amazon
Adobe Illustrator Files … to be used by graphic designers
Microsoft Word Files… to be used by everyone else … can be used with mail merge of volunteer names
Labels … … $250 for 8 different rolls of 500 labels …
Reach out to them as others have ordered (previous order) and they can copy previous order with correct designs.
Label Designs … here are the label designs for you to upload and use during the ordering.
Feel free to contact Brett Anderson
Shared Calendars
This will keep your entire Core Team in the “know” and they can plan to attend.
Cost: Free
Link: How to Create Google Shared Calendar
Core Team Planning Sheet
- Number of core members needed
- Allows for signups of core members
- Share beds built/delivered info
- Different sheets/docs for different roles
Cost: Free
Link: Basic Google SHEETS
Scheduled Core Team Meetings
Suggest you create and follow an AGENDA.
- Introductions (new people)
- Chapter Finance
- Build Schedule
- Delivery Schedule
- Current Stats (beds delivered, waitlist, etc.)
- Fundraising efforts
- Ideas/Open Discussion
Cost: Free
Link: Free Zoom Acct
Group Texts
Cost: Varies
Link: GroupME
GroupME Help Doc