About Us

Our Mission is “NO KID SLEEPS ON THE FLOOR IN OUR TOWN!”  We are an organization that builds and delivers beds to children in need of a bed and a safe place to sleep.

Upcoming Events

Check out our upcoming SHP events below! We add new opportunities regularly, so check back often. We also host private, sponsor-led build events for team building. Public events will have a registration button so you can sign up and join us.

Want to sponsor a build? Contact us to make a lasting impact in our community!

If you don't see an event in the widget below, we might not have any community events available at this time. We may also be building beds with a company or organization privately.

    Checks can be mailed to:

    P.O. Box 327 Oak Harbor, OH 43449

    Chapter Leadership

    Jim Berlin

    Chapter Co-President

    Kendra Berlin

    Chapter Co-President

    James Berlin Sr

    Build Manager

    Nancy Hillman

    Fundraising Manager

    Joelle Wagoner

    Application Manager

    Kim Berlin

    Application Manager

    Ray Geller

    Delivery Manager

    Andrew Berlin

    Social Media Manager

    Jon Hillman

    Build Manager

    Allyson Phillips

    Team Member

    Zach Ullrich

    Delivery Lead

    Dan Crane

    Team Member

    Lin Berlin

    Team Member

    Jake Ellithorpe

    Team Member

    Connect with us