You need to meet with the manager. They have full say over what gets awarded. Get
the store number and zip code.

  1. Access your Spark Goods account
  2. Go to Spark Good Grants
  3. The Apply now button is under your chapter name. Your local stores will come up in a list to the left.
  4. Pick the one you want to apply to. If it says accepting applications they still have money left to apply for.
  5. 1st question: yes
  6. 2nd question: no
  7. 3rd question: no
  8. Primary focus: Youth Services
  9. Program name: No Kid Sleeps on the Floor in Our Town! (ST-Chapter name) you may run out of room; don’t worry they have the info.
  10. Requested amount: amount you discussed with the manager ($500-$2,500)
  11. Program description: limited number of characters, use: (ST-Chapter name) Chapter builds and delivers beds to needy children that don’t have one of their own.

That’s it, everything else is filled out.

You will get an email that your application has been received. Then maybe one that says your grant
request has been recommended for approval. The final email will say that it’s been approved, but it
may be for a lesser amount than was in the recommended letter.

The Grants team gets a copy and will take care of the information they ask for to set up the payment.

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